Timeline 1970-1990

Home/Timeline 1970-1990


J. Curtis Counts is appointed by President Nixon as FMCS’ sixth director. The first mass work stoppage in the history of the Post Office occurs. Postal workers in New York walk out. President Nixon declares national emergency and assigns military units to New York City Post Offices.



The Collyer Doctrine defines the NLRB’s policy on deferring decisions in unfair labor practice cases until after parties have been through the grievance arbitration procedure. Under Collyer deferral, a union is expected to use its grievance procedure to resolve certain unfair labor practice issues.



W. J. “Bill” Usery is appointed by President Nixon as FMCS’ seventh director.
The FMCS Office of Arbitration Services is created. An Arbitration Services Advisory Committee, composed of 12 labor relations experts and arbitrators, is established to advise on arbitration policy and procedures.
The FMCS Office of Technical Services is established and given responsibility for the development […]



Congress enacts the Health Care amendments to the NLRA.

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